Why a Successful Medical Practice Needs PR

In today’s highly competitive healthcare landscape, having a successful medical practice goes beyond simply offering top-tier medical services. While clinical expertise, advanced technology, and compassionate care remain the foundation of a thriving practice, effective Public Relations (PR) plays an essential Read More >

2025-03-18T15:45:30-04:00Categories: Blog|

Giving Journalists Great Interviews

When journalists interview doctors, they are looking for accurate, clear, and compelling information and quotes for their articles that can help them inform or engage their audience. Here’s a breakdown of what doctors should know to give journalists the best Read More >

2025-01-07T16:34:39-05:00Categories: Blog|

Why Doctor PR is Good for SEO

We live in a world today in which searching for things on our phones and computers is an everyday activity. We search for everything; restaurants, hotels, information, advice, and much more. We also use search to find our doctors. It Read More >

2024-12-16T13:30:04-05:00Categories: Blog|

How to Get Media Interviews

The backbone of a media relations program involves promoting an expert as thought leader and subject matter specialist to journalists with the end goal of garnering an interview and subsequent media mention. But how do you get journalists to call Read More >

2025-01-07T16:35:49-05:00Categories: Blog|

Value of Content Marketing for Doctors

Content marketing for doctors creates an opportunity to educate and share information about the various medical conditions for which they treat patients. We believe that content marketing is an excellent way for doctors to build trust with their patients. This Read More >

2024-01-16T17:14:00-05:00Categories: Blog|

Why Every OBGYN Needs a Publicist

In our work providing PR services to doctors, one of the biggest categories of interest from reporters is for commentary from OBGYNs. It seems that there is endless demand for insights about pregnancy, menopause, menstrual cycles and more. Moreover, the Read More >

2023-09-27T14:58:18-04:00Categories: Blog|

Why Doctors Should Have a Blog

Blogging can be time consuming. First, you need an idea for an article and then you need to research and write the piece. You will also want to find a compelling image to go along with your article. And of Read More >

2023-07-20T16:04:51-04:00Categories: Blog|

Measuring Public Relations Results

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” ~ Tony Robbins. I believe what Robbins is saying here is that the only way you will know if you are on track to accomplish whatever you Read More >

2023-07-10T12:49:06-04:00Categories: Blog|

Why Doctors Need a Healthcare PR Agency

In the age of the internet, searching for a trustworthy electrician or mechanic can feel impossible. The internet contains a deluge of seemingly unsorted information, and finding someone you feel good about feels out of reach. The same goes for Read More >

2023-06-01T15:15:34-04:00Categories: Blog|
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