Anyone reading the news can see that experts are quoted in almost every article. There are usually at least one or two experts quoted in each article. This is because journalists need to cite experts with commentary and points of view on a topic to give it credence. Business owners are keen to be quoted in the news on topics related to what they sell because they believe that this kind of publicity will help them sell more and have a positive impact on their bottom line. This is true for doctors too. They want to increase awareness and credibility also. But the big difference between a businessperson and a doctor seeking publicity is that public relations for doctors is a far more natural fit. But why? What makes it such a natural fit?
First, doctors have specialized medical knowledge. This is exactly what journalists are seeking for their articles. Doctors are a natural for providing accurate and reliable information to journalists about health-related issues or medical breakthroughs.
Second, the media pool that writes about health, fitness, beauty, mental health, and nutrition is vast. This means that the opportunity to be quoted in the media is also vast. This is a big bonus for doctors. Moreover, this is not true for all businesses and CEOs.
Third, PR offers an opportunity for doctors to help in healthcare crisis management. We have just experienced a worldwide COVID pandemic and doctors played a key part in the media of educating the public and countering false information.
Fourth, building trust is a key element for being a successful doctor. When a doctor is quoted in the media, it tells his patients and others that he is an expert and thought leader in his field. This is important in enhancing the trustworthiness of the doctor and reinforcing a positive doctor-patient relationship.
Fifth, PR offers doctors an opportunity to advocate for healthcare issues which are important to them. PR can help expand a doctors’ advocacy efforts by reaching a broader audience and raising awareness about critical healthcare issues.
Sixth, contact with the journalists and media outlets can help bridge the gap between difficult medical terminology and the public’s understanding. Doctors can play a valuable role when offering commentary for media articles on complex medical issues, thereby helping the average person better manage their own healthcare.
Seventh, doctors are often at the forefront of public health initiatives. During COVID a day didn’t go by without many, many articles being written about all aspects of the illness. In each of those articles at least one doctor was quoted. By participating in PR campaigns, they can help to promote health awareness, encourage prevention, and ideally influence positive behavior changes in the community.
Eighth, doctors who participate in PR are inherently perceived as thought leaders in their respective fields. The benefit for the doctors is that publicity begets more publicity and other opportunities, such as speaking engagements, guest articles, and additional media interviews, further enhancing their professional reputation.
Nineth, doctors value patient education as an important part of their job. PR provides an opportunity for doctors to offer patients and the public additional support and education beyond the clinic by providing insights and comments about various health and wellness issues in the media.