In our work providing PR services to doctors, one of the biggest categories of interest from reporters is for commentary from OBGYNs. It seems that there is endless demand for insights about pregnancy, menopause, menstrual cycles and more. Moreover, the media pool that writes these kinds of articles is enormous, hence the vast demand for quotes from OBGYN experts. An experienced publicist can provide media placement opportunities, organization and results for OBGYNs.
But why is this medical specialty in such demand and such a popular topic for journalism? The main reason is that the issues for which OBGYN’s treat patients is of interest to almost all women. As a result, the target audience for articles about women’s health is very large. Here’s some examples of the topics for which journalists are often seeking comments.
Pregnancy and maternal health. It’s a significant aspect of women’s health and wellness. There’s a lot to write about related to the many phases of pregnancy, be it prenatal care, nutrition during pregnancy, exercise, what to expect during labor and after, and many other health-related issues. Journalists and media outlets have an eager audience to educate and inform about the best strategies for having a healthy pregnancy.
Menopause. This too is a condition that impact all women, often with negative consequences. Again, there’s a tremendous opportunity for media outlets to provide accurate, informative, and educational information about medical advances, identification of symptoms and treatment options.
Menstrual cycles. When do they start? How long should they go? How to stop them and avoid getting pregnant? What it means when they stop? The list of issues related to menstrual cycles is enormous and journalists are writing about them all the time.
But what’s in it for the OBGYN to be quoted in the media? Why should they use their scarce time, almost always without compensation, to respond to questions from journalists? Why should they pay a publicist to bring them media interview opportunities? How is PR for OBGYN doctors helpful?
Firstly, many (most) OBGYN’s have a genuine interest in offering education and information to help improve the health and lives of their women patients.
Secondly, doctors are businesspeople too and being quoted in the media offers a business opportunity to build their brands and reputations. When a doctor is quoted in the news it tells all who see the article that they are important and a leader in their field. Afterall, they have been singled out as a medical expert and thought leader.
Thirdly, being quoted in the media has a profound search engine optimization (SEO) benefit. When a doctor is quoted in an article their name will almost always include a link to their website. This creates a back link from the media outlet to the doctor’s website. This is attractive to Google and the result is improved search ranking.
In summary, journalists write about women’s health topics because they touch on a wide range of subjects, from health and science to culture and society, and because they impact a large portion of the population. The coverage of women’s help topics with commentary and opinion from OBGYN’s helps inform, educate, and engage readers on these various aspects of these important issues and life stages.