MCPR Blog2024-01-26T11:46:09-05:00


There is a lot to know about how to get on the short list for journalists seeking input for their stories, how to advise experts to respond to requests for comments, and why timing is everything when making the connection between a journalist and an expert. Read on for insights from the healthcare media relations specialists at MCPR.

The Ultimate Guide to PR for Doctors

They say all press is good press. Who knows if that’s true, but PR experts constantly strive to get their clients into the public eye in a polished and intentional way. As a doctor, you have a lot to gain Read More >

Why Doctors Need a Healthcare PR Agency

In the age of the internet, searching for a trustworthy electrician or mechanic can feel impossible. The internet contains a deluge of seemingly unsorted information, and finding someone you feel good about feels out of reach. The same goes for Read More >

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