Weapons in the war on acne

NY Dermatologists Drs. Joshua Fox and Francis DiSpaltro discuss new state-of-the-art devices Although it might seem life-threatening to a teenager with a face-full of pimples (and a big date coming up), acne is not considered a serious disease. It is Read More >

2014-02-12T15:38:01-05:00Categories: Writing samples|

Is It a “Senior Moment” or Is It Alzheimer’s? Neuropsychologist Dr. Kenneth Freundlich Provides Tips on Differentiating the Memory Lapses of Normal Aging from Symptoms of Dementia

There are currently more than 5 million people in the United States suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. As the population aged 65 and older continues to increase, the number of people with Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, can be Read More >

2014-01-14T13:04:43-05:00Categories: Writing samples|
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