Dr. Lance Barazani with Advanced Dermatology PC weighs in and offers tips on knowing when the time is right for Botox
Albertson, NY (PRWEB) September 29, 2015
When is the right time to minimize crow’s feet, smooth away frown lines and get rid of forehead furrows? Whenever you’re ready says dermatology specialist Dr. Lance Barazani with Advanced Dermatology, P.C. “Traditionally I see patients who are mid-30s to mid-40s, but this average is declining. It’s not uncommon today to treat patients in their mid-20s with Botox wanting to get rid of the very early signs of aging.”
Dubbed beginner’s or baby Botox in some circles, millennials have learned that getting small injections of Botox from a younger age when the first visible signs of crow’s feet or brow furrows are just starting to show, may make them less noticeable. By blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles, millennials may stave off the effects of wrinkling, slowing the development of deeper creases as they age.
Botox injections relax facial muscles so the skin looks smoother and wrinkle-free and lasts 3-6 months. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that Botox was a top five minimally invasive procedure in 2014 with 6.7 million people undergoing the needle.
“Whatever your age, getting Botox at the first hint of wrinkling may prevent fine lines and wrinkles from increasing and stave off the need for more aggressive cosmetic treatment down the road such as a face lift,” says Dr. Barazani. That doesn’t mean that teens and 20-year olds without any visible signs of aging should get Botox. “It’s for people that are starting to see some signs of visible aging,” says Barazani. And if you’ve waited until your 30s or 40s, Botox can still make a significant difference in your skin’s elasticity and smoothness, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Everyone’s skin is unique so it is hard to predict the right age for someone to get Botox. Though women with “thinner complexions,” light hair, eyes and skin tone, typically develop more lines faster than dark haired, olive skinned women with dark eyes.
Regardless, what all ages agree with is that the frozen look (where you don’t move your face or eyebrows) doesn’t suit any age. “Over time, dermatologists have begun to use less units of toxin to give a little bit of movement and a more natural look with Botox,” says Dr. Barazani. This can be a diluted dose or less injections, especially for a millennial’s first fine lines. You should never look like you’ve had anything done more than a great night sleep or a stellar vacation.
Tips for When to Get Botox
- If you don’t have any creasing or wrinkles, it’s probably not yet time for Botox.
- The best way to learn whether you are a good candidate for botulinum toxin injections is to meet with a board certified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon for a consultation.
- Take advantage of the pre-treatment consult to ask plenty of questions and explain exactly what you’d like to accomplish with Botox and if it’s possible.
- Less is more, especially if you’re a millennial with very fine lines of aging.
- Have realistic expectations. Wrinkles from sun damage may not be as treatable and marionette lines around the mouth are better served using other fillers. Ask what you can expect Botox to do for your fine lines.
Botox can be a very rewarding and beneficial procedure to undergo. “As with any cosmetic procedure you need to talk with your doctor to insure that your expectations are realistic for the best outcome at any age,” says Dr. Barazani.
Lance Barazani, M.D., F.A.A.D., is a member of American Academy of Dermatology. He was one of the first physicians on Long Island to perform cosmetic Botox treatments in 1996. He is recognized by Botox® Cosmetic as a member of the National Education Faculty, an honor limited to very few physicians nationwide.
Advanced Dermatology P.C. and the Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery (New York & New Jersey) is one of the leading dermatology centers in the nation with 13 locations in New York and New Jersey, offering highly experienced physicians in the fields of cosmetic and laser dermatology as well as plastic surgery and state-of-the-art medical technologies. http://www.advanceddermatologypc.com