Dermatologist Dr. Valerie Goldburt with Advanced Dermatology PC with tips on smart skin care for men.
New York, NY (PRWEB) February 07, 2017
Though men have unique challenges when it comes to skin care, rough and irritated skin isn’t inevitable, according to Valerie Goldburt, MD, of Advanced Dermatology P.C. “Some men don’t always prepare their face to be shaved or protect their skin from razor burn and bumps. They may use a dull razor blade or shave with a minimal layer of foam or gel. But proper care can go a long way to preserving healthy, soft, and beautiful skin.”
Skin care is historically the domain of women. Cosmetic companies target them largely for the wide variety of products for cleaning, moisturizing and preserving a beautiful complexion. But men want to look younger and healthier also.
“Men can achieve great results by taking small correct actions. Minor changes in their daily regimen, starting with properly preparing their face to be shaved, is a key starting place. Whether the problem is the result of dull razor blades or not enough foam or gel, a little care can do wonders to restore and maintain a man’s complexion.”
Tips for shaving better
“A smooth, nick free and clean shave ideally starts in the shower, where a steam-rich environment opens the pores and softens the stubble,” Dr. Goldburt says. “Women have long known to use an exfoliating scrub before shaving. Exfoliation frees ingrown hairs and gets rid of dead skin cells,” says Dr. Goldburt.
“We advise our male clients that it is best to use a soap specifically labeled as a facial cleanser rather than a ordinary soap bar, since it is designed to moisturize and minimize skin damage leading to premature wrinkling,” she says.
Dr. Goldburt advises that “after washing your face (whether in the shower or sink), don’t do a rough towel-dry. Instead, leave the skin damp and apply a liberal amount of gel or foam, massaging it into your skin.” Next, with a first-rate razor, shave the flatter parts of your face (sideburns and side) first, and then moving to the upper lip, chin and ear area afterward. By saving the difficult-to-shave areas until last, you give the shaving product ample time to soften the stubble on these parts.
Better skin care for smoother skin
After-Shave: Years ago, many men used after-shave which contained alcohol, resulting in burning, stinging and redness. Today, alcohol-free after-shaves are available which moisturize and sooth the skin. “This is ideal after exfoliating and shaving,” adds Dr. Goldburt.
“Shaving and exfoliating strip away good oils as well as dead skin cells, so hydrating the skin afterward is important,” she says. “Even better, look for a moisturizer with sun protection built right in.”
The message here is simple. Use sunscreen on the face in the sunny months. The sun’s UV rays can cause your skin to wrinkle prematurely and even cause cancer.
“Men today are more eager than ever to maintain a youthful and healthy look and to keep wrinkles to a minimum for as long as possible,” Dr. Goldburt adds. “A smart and diligent skin care regimen is just as important for men as it is women, and with just a few small adjustments men can improve their complexion and put their best face first.”
Valerie Goldburt, MD, PhD, is board certified and specializes in dermatology at Advanced Dermatology P.C.
Advanced Dermatology P.C.and the Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery (New York & New Jersey) is one of the leading dermatology centers in the nation, offering highly experienced physicians in the fields of cosmetic and laser dermatology as well as plastic surgery and state-of-the-art medical technologies.