MCPR Blog2024-01-26T11:46:09-05:00


There is a lot to know about how to get on the short list for journalists seeking input for their stories, how to advise experts to respond to requests for comments, and why timing is everything when making the connection between a journalist and an expert. Read on for insights from the healthcare media relations specialists at MCPR.

Why Doctors Should Have a Blog

Blogging can be time consuming. First, you need an idea for an article and then you need to research and write the piece. You will also want to find a compelling image to go along with your article. And of Read More >

Measuring Public Relations Results

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” ~ Tony Robbins. I believe what Robbins is saying here is that the only way you will know if you are on track to accomplish whatever you Read More >

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