Dr. Sonoa Au with Advanced Dermatology PC Introduces New Non-invasive Treatment and Tips for Understanding the Process.
Albertson, NY (PRWEB) October 13, 2015
October 2015 – Millions of women would love to reclaim their “pre-baby” bodies. Age, pregnancy and childbirth take a toll on skin and muscle tone in many areas including in and around the vagina. Loosening of the skin, tissues and muscles of the vagina, a condition known as vaginal laxity, can cause loss of sensation, sexual dysfunction, and urinary incontinence.
“Until recently, the only option for correcting these problems has been vaginal surgery,” says Dr. Sonoa Au of Advanced Dermatology, P.C. “This is often a combination of two surgical procedures, one to reshape the labia, or outer tissues, and one to tighten the interior tissues and muscles. As with any surgery, there is a recovery period and a risk of side effects. Now we are able to offer women a non-surgical option for vaginal rejuvenation, an in-office treatment that is painless and requires no downtime or period of sexual abstinence.”
Tips for understanding the process
The new treatment, called ThermiVA, uses a temperature-controlled radio frequency system that has been used for years for non-surgical dermatological application. A hand-held device delivers heat at a comfortable level to the targeted area. The internal and external vaginal tissues respond to heat by contracting and tightening. Heat also promotes collagen production, which strengthens structural support for the skin. Treatment takes about ten minutes to treat the outer labia and about twenty minutes to tighten the internal vaginal canal. Three sessions are generally recommended for best results, which can last up to a year.
Candidates for treatment may be finding that a loosened vagina is causing a loss of sensation for themselves or their sexual partners, they may be suffering from mild urinary leakage or accidents due to weakened tissues, or they may be dissatisfied with the aesthetics of the external tissue. Women who have serious pain, an infection, or severe vaginal prolapse are advised to correct those problems before considering treatment. Those who have given birth recently should wait until all tissues have healed, generally about three months.
“This is an exciting advance,” says Dr. Au. “We are pleased to be able to offer women a painless, non-invasive option for vaginal rejuvenation. Women who have been treated are happy with the results and report renewed self-confidence and improved intimate relationships.”
ThermiVA is a registered service mark of ThermiGen, LLC DBA ThermiAesthetics, Southlake TEXAS 76092
Sonoa Au, M.D., has a special interest in laser and cosmetic dermatology, in addition to general dermatology.
Advanced Dermatology P.C. and the Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery (New York & New Jersey) is one of the leading dermatology centers in the nation with 15 locations in New York and New Jersey, offering highly experienced physicians in the fields of cosmetic and laser dermatology as well as plastic surgery and state-of-the-art medical technologies. http://www.advanceddermatologypc.com